#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(){ printf("main start \n"); int result = fork(); pid_t pid = getpid(); printf("pid is %d and result is %d\n",pid,result ); return 0; }
main start
pid is 11647 and result is 11648
pid is 11648 and result is 0
我们看到main start只打印了一次,子进程从fork之后开始分叉执行。
第二行当前pid是11647 ,fork的结果是11648,表示当前在父进程执行
if (startSystemServer) { Runnable r = forkSystemServer(abiList, socketName, zygoteServer); // {@code r == null} in the parent (zygote) process, and {@code r != null} in the // child (system_server) process. //如果是在system_server进程中执行,则返回Runnable ,并执行r.run函数 if (r != null) { r.run(); return; } }
/** * Prepare the arguments and forks for the system server process. * * Returns an {@code Runnable} that provides an entrypoint into system_server code in the * child process, and {@code null} in the parent. */ private static Runnable forkSystemServer(String abiList, String socketName, ZygoteServer zygoteServer) { int pid; try { parsedArgs = new ZygoteConnection.Arguments(args); ZygoteConnection.applyDebuggerSystemProperty(parsedArgs); ZygoteConnection.applyInvokeWithSystemProperty(parsedArgs); /* Request to fork the system server process */ //在这里请求fork system server 进程 pid = Zygote.forkSystemServer( parsedArgs.uid, parsedArgs.gid, parsedArgs.gids, parsedArgs.debugFlags, null, parsedArgs.permittedCapabilities, parsedArgs.effectiveCapabilities); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } /* For child process */ //如果pid为0,说明是在子进程中执行,因此关掉zygote进程继承下来的Socket if (pid == 0) { if (hasSecondZygote(abiList)) { waitForSecondaryZygote(socketName); } zygoteServer.closeServerSocket(); return handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs); }
public static int forkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, int debugFlags, int[][] rlimits, long permittedCapabilities, long effectiveCapabilities) { ...... int pid = nativeForkSystemServer( uid, gid, gids, debugFlags, rlimits, permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities); ....... return pid; }
native private static int nativeForkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, int debugFlags, int[][] rlimits, long permittedCapabilities, long effectiveCapabilities);
jint com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer
static jint com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer( JNIEnv* env, jclass, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids, jint debug_flags, jobjectArray rlimits, jlong permittedCapabilities, jlong effectiveCapabilities) { pid_t pid = ForkAndSpecializeCommon(env, uid, gid, gids, debug_flags, rlimits, permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities, MOUNT_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (pid > 0) { ..... } return pid; }
// Utility routine to fork zygote and specialize the child process. static pid_t ForkAndSpecializeCommon(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray javaGids, jint debug_flags, jobjectArray javaRlimits, jlong permittedCapabilities, jlong effectiveCapabilities, jint mount_external, jstring java_se_info, jstring java_se_name, bool is_system_server, jintArray fdsToClose, jintArray fdsToIgnore, jstring instructionSet, jstring dataDir) { ........... pid_t pid = fork(); ..... }
在ForkAndSpecializeCommon函数中我们看到了fork()的系统调用,这样system server进程就会被fork出来了。
而在最开始的代码我们看到最终调用forkSystemServer之后返回了一个Runnable r对象。
Runnable r = forkSystemServer(abiList, socketName, zygoteServer); // {@code r == null} in the parent (zygote) process, and {@code r != null} in the // child (system_server) process. //如果是在system_server进程中执行,则返回Runnable ,并执行r.run函数 if (r != null) { r.run(); return; }
如果是在system_server进程中执行的话会返回一个Runnable r对象,并执行r.run()函数,也就是之后system_server进程的执行主要流程就在Runnable 的run函数中
以上就是Android FrameWork之SytemServer进程fork示例的详细内容,更多关于Android FrameWork SytemServer的资料请关注寻技术其它相关文章!